Current regional magnetic conditions
Central auroral region issued at 2025-03-28 (87) 19:17 UT 14:17 EST
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Status and Forecast (Graphic)
Kr | Activity Level | Status last hour |
Forecast 0 - 3 hours |
Forecast 3 - 6 hours |
9 | major storm |
8 | major storm |
7 | major storm |
6 | stormy |
5 | stormy |
4 | active |
3 | unsettled |
2 | quiet |
1 | quiet |
0 | quiet |
Note: Kr is approximately equivalent to the K index but is based on a one hour interval.
Status and Forecast (Text)
Activity | Kr | |
Status (last hour) | quiet | 2 |
Forecast (0 - 3 hours) | quiet | 1 |
Forecast (3 - 6 hours) | quiet | 2 |
For information about the regional conditions, please visit the Regional conditions information page.