Satellite anomaly service information


The electron flux plot compares hourly range magnetic values (produced by this institute) with solar particle data recorded by NOAA's GOES Satellites. The hourly range values can be found under the Indices Archive and the GOES data can be downloaded from the NOAA's FTP.

Plot Information

The plot shows a comparison between magnetic conditions on the ground and particle conditions at geosynchronous orbit. Hourly ranges in the X component of the geomagnetic field (HRX) computed from NRCan's magnetic observatories are displayed on top panel. Particle fluxes observed by both primary and secondary GOES satellites (courtesy of NOAA/Space Weather Prediction Center in Boulder) are shown on bottom panel. The numbers after F indicate the particluar GOES satellite, with "e" for electron flux and "p" for proton flux. The numbers after ">" show energies in MeV.

Form Information


The hourly range values can be found under the Indices Archive and the GOES data can be downloaded from the NOAA's FTP.

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